Latest generation TSCHORN 4.0
Automatic probing system WP310

We are very happy to announce some exciting news: an advancement of our well-known automatic probing system WP200. The new probe offers the possibility of simplified activation through a simple and short rotation around its own axis. Previously, the probe had to be activated by deflecting it against the workpiece, which was sometimes perceived as somewhat circumstantial and also took a little time. With the new WP310, we have greatly simplified this process: a brief rotation of the spindle is enough to automatically and quickly activate the probe.
This new functionality brings a significant improvement in terms of user-friendliness and efficiency. There are no additional steps required to activate the probe WP310. The easy handling through spindle rotation makes the sensor even more versatile and faster to use.
Further innovations and advantages of the WP310:
- improved repeatability up to +/- 0,002 mm
- long-lasting battery life of > 1 Jahr
- shorter overall length for extensive use, even on smaller machines
- Measurements in wet environments
- Tactile functionality responds to touch
- exchangeable styli
- Measurements can be made during the machining process with automatic corrections.
We are very pleased that our prototype has exceeded all expectations, and we are likely to start serial production soon. Keep an eye on our social media channels regularly to stay up-to-date!