
Who we are and what we stand for

We are Tschorn, a powerful family business in Urbach in Southern Germany. The customer is our focus, not only when it comes to new product developments, but every day in sales and service.

We love quality!

- For everything we do, quality and service have the highest priority.
- There are no compromises when it comes to quality.
- The zero-defect goal is our goal.
- Our service reacts quickly, flexibly and easily.
- We are orientated to the requirements of our customers.


We love innovation!

- We listen to our customers and implement ideas flexibly.
- we have the solution.
- No challenge discourages us.
- We are faster than our competitors, thanks to our family structure.


We love our products!

- With our technologies, production becomes competitive.
- The highest precision is what pushes us.
- We love our customers and give everything for their satisfaction.
- We are not afraid to compare ourselves to the big players in the market.



Social responsibility

Since 2019, we support the Indian aid project BREADS Bangalore (Bangalore Rural Educational and Development Society). We are in close contact with the organizer Father Joy and now we have the opportunity to give even the poorest children and teenagers in India a chance in life. Since 1995, the non-profit foundation BREADS has been focusing on helping young people and women in particular. In addition to programs against child labor and against violence against women, vocational training is sponsored - and with success: 75 % of young people in the created training centers are successfully transferred to work after their graduation. But the support starts earlier: only in Bangalore, there are 110,000 street children and children crime is very high. In addition, 42 % of the girls in the Karnataka region - where BREADS is active - are married before the age of 18. Our motivation: If children get the chance for education and self-determination, society will hopefully get better.

Even in Germany and even in the surroundings of Stuttgart, child poverty is still widely spread. In order to help children, especially children in large families, families with a migration background and one-parent families e.g. for financing daily things like memberships in sports clubs or private lessons, the project „Kinderreich“ offers quick and non-bureaucratic help for needy children and teens. The basic principle for this help is neighbourly immediate aid.

This is the reason why we decided 2012, when introducing the 3D-Tester, to support children who live in our environment and need help. With each sold 3D-Tester, we donate one Euro to the project „Kinderreich“ of the German Kinderschutzbund Schorndorf/Waiblingen e.V.

The idea of „Kinderreich“ (translation: „Child-rich“): Especially children of one-parent families, children with a migrant background and children with many siblings are often affected by poverty. In many cases, growing up in poverty also has negative consequences for their later life. For example, in addition to the everyday things such as clothing and toys, also memberships in sports clubs or musical education and private lessons are difficult to finance. The consequences are often a low self-esteem of these children and teenagers and related to that, a personal retreat and social demarcation. However, cultural participation in everyday life and constant contact with peers often provides important educational content and social skills that are otherwise withheld from these children and teenagers. Poverty is therefore more than the lack of funds. In addition to the structural and tax requirements, which can only be regulated by the legislature, there is also an obligation on our society to counteract the poverty of children and teenagers. This is where the initiative „Kinderreich Rems-Murr“ takes its lead. At the societal level, it provides fast and unbureaucratic assistance to needy children and teenagers; according to the principle of neighborly relief.


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